Saturday, January 26, 2008

Discussion of race and Ethnicity

Anyone care to talk more about this month's topic of race and how it impacts our families? Maybe you have a list of resources or book reviews to share on the subject?

Please submit your posts for this blog to!

1 comment:

Janine deManda said...

just wanted to thank everyone who attended on saturday for joining in a good discussion on a complex topic.

also, being my fretful self, i wanted to say that in talking about the specific experiences of mixed folks who can pass as white, i didn't mean to elide the experiences of mixed folks who cannot do so. thinking of that lead me to realize that those of us mixed folks who can "pass" as monoracial anything have a set of privileges and challenges different from mixed folks who are conspicuously mixed . . . these topics are always ripe for further exploration and discussion, and this blog would be a good forum for furthering both. can someone tell me how to subscribe to the blog? or just sign me up, please?