Wednesday, November 21, 2007


An "attitude of gratitude" is something that my family strives to maintain and to teach to our daughter. In this season of Thanksgiving, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the LGBTQQIQ parents out there - and most especially to those of you who have older kids and who have already smoothed the pavement for newbies like me. Your perseverance and commitment against all odds and societal barriers is a testimonial to the power of parental love and honor.

I want to thank all the people who have or will come to the Mamas & Papas meetings. Your camaraderie, empathy and laughter make this job of parenting easier and less isolating. The steering committee does tireless behind the scenes work. You all deserve much credit.

I want to thank all of our child care providers for taking their precious weekend time to expertly care for our children during our meetings. Knowing that Sadie and all the kids are well taken care of in the presence of peers in similar family constellations allows me to relax and enjoy the meetings.

I want to thank Our Family Coalition, and especially Julia, for the work they do on behalf of M&P in particular and on behalf of our families in general.

I wish all a Happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving.

Now, it's your turn. Who and what are you grateful for?

(posted by Shelli)

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