Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mamas and Papas Update

Greetings Mamas & Papas!

This is just a reminder that our December 1st Friday and 2nd Saturday meetings will be cancelled. Instead, we are encouraging everyone to attend the Our Family Coalition Multi-Faith Holiday Potluck on Saturday, December 8 from 3-5pm (more information below).

We are also changing our 1st Friday meetings (Parents with children 5-8 yrs) for the next three months of Jan-March. We want to hear from YOU about which times work best for your family to join us. The dates will be Saturdays, 1/5, 2/2, and 3/1, and the possible meeting times you have to choose from are: 4:30-6PM and 6-8PM. Please visit the mamas&papas blog at http://mamaspapas. blogspot. com/, and see the top right corner for the 1st Friday time move poll. If you have any questions and concerns please feel free to contact Julia@ourfamily. org or call 415-981-1960.

Saturday, December 8, 3:00-5:00pm
Multi-Faith Holiday Potluck
Co-Sponsored by COLAGE and the SF LGBT Community Center
This is the big one folks, an event not to be missed! We try to honor and acknowledge many traditions, so come join in the fun and bring whatever foods and holiday materials that make this holiday season meaningful to your family. As always, we will have a HUGE multi-table gingerbread making station and arts and crafts for the kiddies. This holiday party is worth the trip just to visit beautiful Saint Gregory’s Church.
Location: St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, 500 De Haro St, San Francisco

Our Family Coalition
870 Market St., Suite 872
San Francisco, CA 94102
http://www.ourfamil, if you are not yet a member, please join us!
phone: (415) 981-1960 ext. 6
fax: (415) 981-1962

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