Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some Resources for Mixed Race Families

"In order to feel safe I need to feel known....Is visibility safety? Complex questions. Uncomfortable, uneasy answers, stirring up old hurts, old angers, old fears....Why is the possibility of ‘passing’ so insistently viewed as a great privilege..., and not understood as a terrible degradation and denial?” – Evelyn Torton Beck, Nice Jewish Girls


http://www.drmariaroot.com/doc/BillOfRights.pdf - bill of rights for mixed folks

http://www.cynthialeitichsmith.com/lit_resources/diversity/multiracial/multi_race_picbooks.html - list of children's books about or including being mixed

http://www.mavin.net/ - url for the mavin foundation which has various resources including the multiracial child handbook and "chasing daybreak"

http://www.antiracistparent.com/ - great resource overall

http://www.myspace.com/melizabanales - local queer mixed blood spoken word artist

http://dragonflyrising.wearetheones.org/index2.php - haven't read this book yet, but it's on the list

http://www.lanikaahumanu.com/hapahaole.shtml - lani's amazing mixed blood poem

http://www.brownstargirl.com/new.html - leah's website

http://www.multiracialsky.com/ - mixed family resource site


all the colors of the earth by sheila hamanaka {children's book}

loving in the war years by cherrie moraga

life on the color line: the true story of a white boy who discovered he was black by gregory howard williams

does anybody else look like me?: a parent's guide to raising multiracial children by donna jackson nakazawa

passing by nella larsen

borderlands/la frontera: the new mestiza by gloria anzaldua

as we are now: mixblood essays on race and identity edited by william s. penn

miscegenation blues: voices of mixed race women edited by carol camper

what are you?: voices of mixed-race young people edited by pearl fuyo gaskins

the multiracial experience: racial borders as the new frontier edited by maria p. p. root

when she was white: the true story of a family divided by race by judith stone

one drop: my father's hidden life - a story of race and family secrets by bliss broyard

racially mixed people in america edited by maria p. p. root

when white is black by john a. martin jr.

part asian, 100% hapa by kip fulbeck

black looks: race and representation by bell hooks

mixed: an anthology of short fiction on the multiracial experience edited by chandra prasad

the color of water: a black man's tribute to his white mother by james mcbride

the mixed race issue of canadian feminist journal "fireweed" {2002?}

when nickels were indians: an urban mixed blood story by patricia penn hilden

consensual genocide by leah lakshmi piepzna-samarasinha

"you're standing in the blood quantum line
with a pitcher in your hand
poured from your heart into your veins
you said i am
I am
I am
now measure me
measure me
tell me where i stand" ~indigo girls

(submitted by Janine)

1 comment:

Guy said...

Wow, looks like a lot of great resources here!